Famous Last Quotes

In Blog, News by Stan Rosen

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to use our www.BallroomBalloons.com handy dandy quote form (see: www.BallroomBalloons.com/quotes.html). This useful tool can help save you and us valuable time by answering some of your most basic questions.

For example, its great to know if you already have a vision of what you would like your affair to look like. Do you want simple and elegant-trendy and flashy-or, just plain “Over the Top”? Will your event feature a sit down meal where table decorations make sense? Is your party outside? What’s the theme?

Yes, the quote form and e-mails can be a great help; but, PLEASE, do not let that keep you from calling. Having a brief conversation is still the most informative way to get started on receiving a proposal. For a little more info, you may also check out our pricing page at www.BallroomBalloons.com/pricing.html. It is by no means complete; but, its also a great place to start if you’re not yet ready to call.


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